Mastertech is the leading publisher of software based in part on the administrative works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Our products begin with the Management by Statistics software which is designed to help you expand your business in any economic situation or circumstances. The Management by Statistics software is in used by many thousands of business around the globe to expand their sales, production and delivery.

Our products continue with the Personnel Potential Analysis Testing System designed to assist businesses to find employees who will forward their vision of an expanding, productive business.

Personnel Potential Analysis Testing now available on-line as a new service. Click here for more details.

Pricing for additional user accounts

Individual Management by Statistic user accounts may be purchased for $95.00 each.

Customers are using the Management by Statistics Cloud Feature to Manage their Businesses Remotely

The Management by Statistics software has a cloud feature which allows you to do many of the actions you do in the MBS software from home. This includes entering stats, viewing and print graphs, setting weekly quotas and monitoring daily production towards those quotas. You can also write condition formulas and battle plans and review those of your staff.

The sales number is 1 727-216-0642 x1.

If you would like to use the MBS Cloud Service, click here for payment and usage instructions. If you need assistance from our support department you can send an email to

We are Open Normal Hours

Sales and delivery are made throughout the day and evening.

Support is open normal hours, 9AM to 5PM Eastern US time. If you need after hours assistances, please visit extensive on-line support pages and how-to videos by clicking here.

The tech support number is 1 727-216-0642 x2. For sales phone 1 727-216-0642 x1.

Mastertech News