Comparing statistics on the same graph

To compare 2 or more statistics on a single graph, use the Statistic Comparisons option by clicking on it, as indicated by 1.

A panel 2 will appear. It allows you to select up to 4 statistics to compare at one time.

The ribbon at the top of the window will change to one with options specifically for comparing statistics, as shown by 3.

Selecting the statisics you want to compare

Use the 4 dropdown lists of statistics and select those you wish to draw on the same graph, as indicated by 4 below.

You can shift each statistic in time

There are times you may want to compare statistics from an earlier time to the present. In the example below, Income is compared to Total Promotion a few weeks earlier.

You can set the ending date of each statistic independently, as shown by 5.

You can also use this feature to compare one statistic with itself from an earlier time, such as year-to-year.

Drawing graphs on the same scale

The previous example used a separate scale for each statistic, which is correct for comparing trends and relationships.

However, there are cases where you will want to draw the statistics you are comparing using the same numbering scale. An example would be comparing Cash versus Bills, which should be scaled together on a single scale.

To use one scale check the Graph on One Scale checkbox as shown by 6.