1. Go to the Administration area

NOTE: If you have not defined any companies in the system it will automatically take you to the New Company Wizard and you can skip this step. Setting up your company in the software (Video)

Go to the administration area, as shown below.

Next, click on Maintain Companies as shown by 1.

To add a new company click the Add New Company button in the ribbon as shown by 2.

If you have already started setting up of your company or if you need to modify an existing company, double click the name of your company in the company list which will be listed as indicated by 3.

2. Company Setup Wizard

NOTE: If you want to import data from version 1, do not use the company wizard at this time. Instead, use the Import feature, then return to the company wizard to make changes.

The Company Setup Wizard contains all the options you need for setting up a company in the system.

Enter the name of your company and any other information you wish. Only the company name is required. The address, phone and email are for your use and not used by the system.

Click the Next button to continue.

3. The company calendar

In order for the system to properly track your statistics it must know which days you are open for business and what day of the week you end your week on.

As shown by 1 in the screenshot below, check the days your company is open for business. If you are sometimes open on one day of the week, it is best to leave that day set as closed, then enter the production from that day on the following day.

Select the day of the week you end your week as indicated by 2 below.

If you select Days Open in the Period to Review the calendar to the right will show all of the days you are scheduled to be open for the entire year.

If you select Week Ending Day in the Period to Review, as shown by 4 below, the calendar will show days you are scheduled to end your week for the entire year.

You can set the Bi-week date, semi-month, month ending and year ending according to your schedule. Bi-weekly and semi-monthly were included for businesses that pay every two weeks or twice month so that employee bonuses can be computed for these periods based on production. One does not manage on a two week or half month basis.

You can change your calendar setting in the future but there are rules for this and you should consult the help in the software to understand how to change the calendar.

Click the Finish button when you have completed the calendar settings.

You will be returned to the Company Setup Wizard and your calendar settings will be listed. Click the Next button to continue.

4. Adding employees

The system needs to know the names of your employees in order to track them. You can use full names or simply first names.

Initially the list of employees will be blank. Click the Add Employee button as shown by 1 in the screenshot below to add your first employee. Do not forget yourself.

When you click Add Employee the Employee Setup Wizard will open.

Enter the employee's name as shown by 2 in the screenshot above. You can enter a Hire date if you want, but it is not required.

Click the Finish button to save the employee and return to the Company Setup Wizard.

Continue adding employees until you have entered all current employees in the company you will want to track statistics for.

If you make a mistake, you can correct it by either double-clicking on the employee name or clicking the Edit Employee button, as indicated by 3.

Click the Next button when have completed with the employees.

5. Adding posts and assigning employees to them

Each employee in a business has a set of duties, responsibilities and products they produce. These duties are generally assigned to a post.

A post is really more than just a job title. A post describes the duties to be performed, responsibilities and products or services produced by the employee assigned to it. For example, a Security Guard performs certain duties and is responsible for the security of the area he or she is assigned to. Similarly, an executive has certain duties. A receptionist also has a certain set of duties, some of which are common to all receptionists and other duties might be specific your company.

A post may have an employee assigned to carry out its duties or may not. Even when no employee is assigned to a post, someone in the business is doing that work to some degree, even if it is left to the owner to do.

At this point you will set up Management by Statistics to mirror how your business is currently organized.

You will enter now enter each post in your business and assign employees to them.

To add a new post, click the Add Post button as shown by 1 in the screenshot below.

NOTE: Enter the most senior post first. In this example, we'll enter Owner as the most senior post in the company.

As shown by 1 in the image above, enter the post title, in this case Owner.

Next, select the owner's name from the employee list as shown by 2. This connects the owner (person) with the owner (post) in the software.

Because there is no post senior to the Owner, Senior Post is left unassigned in the software, as shown by 3

Next enter the products this post produces for the company. These are called Valuable Final Products. You can find a full description of these and how to work them out for a post by clicking on the What is a Product? link as shown by 4.

Click the Finish button to save the post and return the Company Setup Wizard.

Click Add Post to enter the next most senior post, which would be the Office Manager in our example.

To tell the system that the Office Manger reports to the Owner we select the Owner post in the Senior Post option as shown by 1 above.

When done entering all of the posts and assigning the appropriate employees to them you will see a list of posts like the follow image.

When these posts are viewed by users in Management by Statistics it will look like the following:

When the posts are set up to match or mirrior how your company is organized the Management by Statistics software becomes easier for users and executives. It is easy to see that Rose is the Office Manager and she reports to the Owner, Adam. It is also easy to see that the two mechanic posts are unfilled.

6. Adding statistics

You are now ready to add the statistics you want to track. There are overall statistics which measure the total production of each area of your business and there are also statistics for each post and employee.

To add a new statistic click the Add Statistic button as shown by 1 in the screenshot below.

In this example we're going to start with by adding statistics for Income, Value of Service Delivered, Promotion, Cash on Hand and Bills Owing. There will be additional statistics you will want to add based on your business.

For the Income statistic enter the name in the Name field as shown in 1 below. You also need to enter an abbreviation, which can be the same as the name.

Select the post responsible for the overall sales in your business, as indicated by 3.

Select Standard statistic type as shown by 4. A Standard statistic in this system is one you enter numbers for. The other types of statistics all get their values from other statistics in the system.

Select the Daily period type 5. This means that you will enter the values each day. It's best practice to enter your statistics each day.

The second page of the statistic wizard has some additional options for you to choose from.

For the Income statistic set the number formatting accordingly as shown in 1 below.

Since your total weekly income is the sum or total of the week's daily income you want to check the Smaller periods sum into larger periods check box as shown in 2.

Because your income statistic is a major statistic for your business you want to include it in the Information Center as shown in 3

Next create a Value of Service Delivered statistic. This statitic represents the monetary value of delivered to customers by your company's production. You will set the options similar to those of the Income statistic.

Next create a Promotion statistic. This statitic measures the total promotion by your business does each day or week.

The formatting of the numbers will be different than the income or service delivered statistics as you can see in the screen shot below.

Next create a Cash on Hand statistic. This statitic measures the spendable cash your business has. Note in the second screen shot below that the Smaller periods sum into larger periods check box is unchecked as shown in 4. You can also make the Cash statistic viewable only by users with View Private Stat rights as shown in 5

Next create a Bills Owing statistic. This statitic is graphed upside down as the higher a quantity less desirable. Check the Graph upsidedown check box as shown by 6. Upsidedown graph will invert the scale of the graph where the scale numbers get smaller as you go up the graph.

Once you have created these statistics you will want to add statistics for each employee in your business. These statistics should be assigned to the employee's post.

Click the Next button to continue.

7. Making an employee a user

The next you need to grant users permission to view and enter data for this new company.

The system has one default users called admin. This is a System Administrator user and its set up needs to be completed. Click the Edit User as shown by 1 in the screen shot below.

To complete the set up of the Admin user, enter the user's email address as shown by 2 in the screen shot below.

Next, select the employee to be associated with the Admin user as shown by 3 in the screen shot below.

A user can be associated with one employee in each company you have created in the system.

Next, select the role the user has in the company, as shown by 4 in the screen shot below. Click Finish to save the changes you have made to the user.

Adding more employees as users

It is now time to add your employees as users. In this example, we'll start with start with John Smith.

You are now ready to add additional users to the system. You are licensed for a certain number of users and you can add users up to that limit.

When adding a user, enter the user name, a password, email address, select the employee, the user's role in each company and if the user can view private statistics.

If you want to give another user System Administrator access rights, select the System Administrator Access check box as shown by 6 in the screen shot below.

8. Finished

You are now finished adding your company. If you need to make changes in the future simply return to the Company Wizard where you can add new employees, change post assignments, etc.


You are now ready to enter values for your statistics click here.