Statistic by Groups

  1. 1.Statistics by Groups Option - The system allows for statistics to be grouped together. There are public groups, viewable by all users who have access to the company, and private groups accessible by a specific user only. Any user in the system can create their own set of private statistic groups.
  2. 2.Statistic Groups - List of statistic groups.
    1. Creates a new statistic group.
    2. Edit (change) the selected group.
    3. Deletes the selected group.
    4. The list of public and private statistic groups the user has access to view.
  3. 3.Statistic Graphs - When a statistic group is selected in list 2d the statistics which are part of that group are graphed in the graph section marked by 3 in the image below. Statistics which were created with the Is Private option will not be displayed unless the statistic is assigned to a post belonging to the user or unless the user has rights to view private statistics.